What People Say

I just wanted to give some insight on my experience with Hoss and the things he has really allowed me to accomplish. I will be the first to say, I was never one to go to the gym as I was concerned that people would judge based off appearance. I never once felt that way coming to Hoss. I believe I started at about 125 lbs soaking wet at the beginning of 2020. I currently am up to 133 lbs where I have lost overall body fat and increased lean muscle. Hoss is extremely motivating and gave me the drive I have been looking for. The journey with Hoss is far from over and hoping to one day compete side by side with him before he retires. I would highly recommend Hoss to everyone!

Hands down Hoss is the best trainer in Cincinnati. Over the 6 years that I have worked with him it has become very clear that Hoss isn’t a personal trainer just for the money. He truly cares about the well- being of his clients, and becomes very passionate about improving their health from many different angles. From Fitness… to nutrition… to overall mental health. Also, he has created a sense of community at his gym. I love stepping in that door and seeing so many faces that I have connected with over the years. They have become quite the family to me and have helped keep me motivated during some hard times in life. Everyone wants each other to succeed and you won’t find that at a mega-gym. There is a clear reason why I haven’t left after 6 yrs, and I wouldn’t go anywhere else.

Joey Sauerland
I began in my early training days with Hoss as my mentor. I was athletic but needed help, guidance, and an extra push to start bodybuilding. Turns out Hoss was the man. I trained with him and learned more about hard work and technique in one month than I had in years of going to the gym. To say that Hoss changed my life as an athlete is an understatement. Anyone who is considering, weightlifting, bodybuilding, weight loss, or especially just health and fitness, should seek out Hoss and become a part of the Hossfit Program.

My weight went down by 40 lbs, but my body fat went down by 60 lbs- which means that as I lost 50 lbs, I gained 10 lbs of muscle.
HossFit will create a workout routine on an app that you can follow made up of 2-3 workouts (upper, lower and full body or core workouts), a meal plan based on macro nutrients (protein, fat, carbs), and he will be with you caring about you and your results all along the way… Bottom line: If you do what Hoss tells you to do, you will get results.
Last, Hoss is a great guy- always positive and someone that I am glad to call a friend.

Training with Hoss is pretty fun. He’s really nice and encouraging throughout your sets. He knows when to push the workout and when you’re at your limit.
He’s also is friendly with everyone who comes in which makes the gym feel more comfortable than others I’ve been to.

Give this place a visit! This is my favorite gym in the area. It’s an awesome amalgamation of old school (but very clean and well maintained) barbell equipment, newer machines and open floor space. It’s just been renovated into an open floor design that really opens the place up. It’s also very reasonably priced!
The gym looks small from the street because the upper level is what you see walking or driving by, but there’s a huge 4000 sq ft area downstairs in addition to the upper level cardio room.
The membership is awesome too. It’s an incredibly diverse group including general fitness clients, bodybuilders, powerlifters and boxers. Everyone gets along and is respectful and encouraging. The owner, Hoss, cares about every member and wants them to succeed.

Maggie Womacks
For 30 years I have been a member of a large gym. I thoughts that’s where I could get the “best workouts”. Then a friend invited me to go to Hossfit for a couple training sessions. I never turned back. Best decision I ever made. I love what Hoss has done for me, physically and personally. Hoss is a super trainer, amazing small business owner, and it’s a pleasure to call him my friend.

Hoss changed my life! for nearly 2 years I have been going to Hossfit twice a week— each visit enduring a solid push physically and mentally. Hoss is unique in his way to evaluate his client’s personality and their needs— before determining how to best motivate them. He listens and watches attentively before implementing his strategy— always a secret to all involved except Hoss! I am stronger and leaner than I have ever been in my 57 years. I have Hoss to thank for that achievement!
Bottom line— Hossfit has been an intricate part of my survival and desire to work hard at getting stronger and more fit. Thank you HOSS!! you are a rockstar!!

I think people need to know that with your you help that client become the person they wanna be. I mean that in a physical and mental aspect. Every morning I showed up to train with you I was given that push to work my hardest because you kept me in line with my goals and help me track them along the way and the positive attitude you always carried with you gave me the confidence and the courage to strive to be my absolute best and push myself to the limits. I might have not always be the happiest walking into the gym in the morning but I’ll tell you this I never left that gym with anything but a positive attitude. Thanks for everything you’ve done for me Hoss! I hope the new gym is you ever dreamed of and your client can share the same experiences as I did with you.

I came to Hoss 4 years ago to get in shape for a dream beach vacations. Not only did he get me in shape, he executed a complete lifestyle change for me in just 3 months! His recommendations on diet in addition to fitness were key to obtaining my goals. His caring, but no pressure demeanor makes working out with him effective and enjoyable at the same time. In addition, the Hossfit gym has become my after work happy place! Hoss, the atmosphere and the clients who workout there create the ideal environment for anyone who wants to enjoy working out. I always recommend Hoss and The Hossfit gym to everyone I know!

One of my goals was to up my rock climbing game. HossFit created a gym workout and nutrition plan that builds this goal in to my overall program. Complete with 1:1 training, regular consultations, and checkpoints, something I could not get from canned gym programs!
Contact us today and get your HossFit workout plan.
Front Desk Hours
Monday: 10:00 am – 7:00 pm
Tuesday: 10:00 am – 7:00 pm
Wednesday: 10:00 am – 7:00 pm
Thursday: 10:00 am – 7:00 pm
Friday: 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Saturday: 11:00 am – 2:00 pm